연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Korea-Australia Joint Symposium: Next Generation Polymer Science and Technology (English)
발표장 삼다홀B
논문코드 1L2-2
발표일 2019-10-10
발표시간 13:55-14:20
논문제목 Anisotropic hydrogels with superior mechanical properties for mimicking tendon
발표자 김재윤
발표자 소속 성균관대학교
저자 김재윤
소속 성균관대학교
논문초록 Natural tissues in the human body have various structural characteristics, among which the structural features of the anisotropy are unique. Tendons and ligaments particularly have oriented anisotropic structural properties for transfer and control of force. Furthermore, these tissues with anisotropic structure have high mechanical properties owing to their hierarchical structural properties. To mimic tendons or ligaments using biomaterials, the excellent mechanical properties and the anisotropic structural properties should be achieved at the same time, which remains highly challenging. In this talk, I will introduce our recent achievements for fabricating anisotropic hydrogels with superior mechanical properties that are reminiscent of tendons or ligaments.